Friday, May 4, 2012

WEEK 13: Lulu publishing and link

The focus of the week was to find a way to publish our magazines.  Luckily, Mr. Peck had already found a website that published magazines, books, and other material in a short amount of time and for free (unless you wanted to purchase a copy).  This website was Lulu.  We started out by making an account in which we could submit our work. Since they would only accept our magazines in PDF's, we had to convert our InDesign formatted magazine into a Portable Document Format (PDF). After going through the various steps to name, tag, properly cite/give credits, and everything else that is required in the legal publishing process, we were able to submit our pdf.  Our front and back covers, however, had to be uploaded seperately as jpeg's. In the end, we purchased two copies, one for Natha Peck and the other for ourselves.  With the cost for two copies coming out to under $40, we were glad to recieve them in about 10 buisinnes days.
The link to my published magazine is: where you can buy a purchase your very own copy.

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